Saturday, August 15, 2015

Enjoy the Remaining Days of Summer

It's hard to believe that August is halfway over already, and summer is coming to a close. But there are still a few weeks left of warm weather to enjoy before fall breezes in. Here are a few ways to enjoy the remaining days of summer.

  1. Enjoy a day at the beach or pool. Slather on sunscreen, grab your towel and some friends, and head to your favorite swim spot. Before you know it, the water will be too cold to enjoy.
  2. Go camping. Nothing wraps up a perfect summer than an amazing camping trip. Whether you go with friends or family, or both, you can have an awesome end of summer party in the great outdoors. Pack plenty of campfire foods, including hot dogs and fixings for s'mores, pitch your tent, and have a blast! Don't forget sunscreen and bug spray.
  3. Go see a movie. Summer blockbusters are still being released through the end of August, including The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Hitman: Agent 47, and Max Steel.
  4. Set your DVR for late-summer TV premieres, including Switched at Birth, Fear the Walking Dead, and Awkward.
Don't let end-of-summer blues spoil the remaining days of the season. Look at all the options still open to you, and enjoy!

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